
A frontline Catholic Bishop in Nigeria has lamented and highlighted Insecurity and Inflation in the country.    “Nigeria is sick, even food has become a luxury” this bishop cried out.

Bishop Stephen Dami Mamza of Nigeria’s Catholic Diocese of Yola is concerned about the state of the West African nation, where he says people’s livelihoods have been adversely affected amid “galloping inflation” and insecurity.

In his homily during the Closing Mass of the 2024 Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting, Bishop Mamza described Africa’s most populous nation as “really sick”.

“Nigeria is currently suffering from multidimensional poverty ranging from insecurity, galloping inflation and total economic crisis. Nigeria is sick, people are dying because of the hardship,” he said during the March 17 event that was held at Saint Theresa’s Catholic Jimeta Cathedral of his Episcopal See.

Bishop Mamza highlighted the effects of the situation on the people of God at the grassroots, saying, “Things are very expensive, and different parishes are bearing the brunt. There are those dying of hunger; so many have withdrawn their children from school because they cannot afford to pay school fees.”

“Many have been ejected from their houses because they cannot pay house rent; so many cannot go to hospital because they cannot foot the medical bills,” he said.

The Local Ordinary of Yola Diocese since his Episcopal Consecration in April 2011 continued, “Everything has come to stand still, especially when it comes to finances in the church. And it has affected a lot of projects because of the difficulties and inflation; even food has become a luxury.”

He said that in the West African nation, “a bag of cement is beyond the reach of the common man as it goes for between N8,000 (USD 5.12) – N10,000 (USD 6.40).”

Bishop Mamza called upon the Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led government to “devise better means” to bring an end to the myriad of challenges in the country.

“The people are going through tough times. The government has to devise better means of alleviating the suffering of the people, if not, the way we are going, there is no clear light at the end of the tunnel,” he warned.

The Local Ordinary of Yola further appealed to the Nigerian government to exercise humility and reach out to other governments and relevant organizations for help.

“They should seek the assistance of other countries. We should be humble enough to request for help from others,” Bishop Mamza said.

He expressed optimism that the country will survive all its “woes”, and urged his compatriots to “seek the face of God to survive the current challenges.”

Rev. Fr. George Nwachukwu