AGÊNCIA DE NOTÍCIAS RECOWACERAO, RECONA concluiu que esta conferência foi seu primeiro encontro formal de 10 (chegada) a 13 (partida) de dezembro de 2018, no Centro de Pastoral e Missão em Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, com os membros da Comissão de trabalho da Comissão. A Comissão RECOWA para a Educação Católica e Catequese, teve na reunião de Abidjan deliberado sobre uma série de questões que incomodam a necessidade de sinergia entre as instituições católicas na sub-região. Na sequência dessa reunião, a Comissão decidiu, portanto, reunir-se mais uma vez em um workshop virtual no dia 14 de outubro de 2021.
O Workshop teve lugar sob a distinta presidência do Bispo Godfrey I Onah, que é o Bispo católico da diocese de Nsukka na Nigéria. O workshop foi baseado em duas apresentações de papel principais, a saber; “Os desafios da transmissão da fé por meio da Educação Católica e da Catequese na África Ocidental”, proferido pelo Reverendo Irmão Victor Sawadogo. O outro jornal tinha como legenda “Educação católica e evangelização hoje: desafios e perspectivas”, proferido pelo reverendo padre Augustine Okochi. As conferências foram seguidas de workshops e debates sobre os problemas levantados, especialmente sobre a necessidade de as instituições educacionais católicas da região trabalharem juntas por objetivos comuns. Ao final das discussões e brainstorming, foram formuladas algumas orientações para ações concretas. Isso inclui, entre outros,
- É muito importante que os Reitores e Presidentes das instituições católicas da região RECOWA formem um órgão como já fizeram os Reitores dos Seminários Maiores da região.
- É muito necessário que as instituições católicas comecem a colaborar entre si: convidando docentes de uma instituição da região a outra para conferências, seminários e outras intervenções acadêmicas.
- A experiência francófona de federar as instituições católicas deve ser replicada no lado anglófono da divisão. Isso tem que começar com a formação de associações de reitores e presidentes anglófonos das instituições superiores católicas.
- A Associação dos Directores Nacionais da Educação Católica na África Ocidental (ARNECAO), que existe no lado francófono desde 2017, deve integrar os anglófonos na sua atividade.
- RECOWA deve desempenhar o papel de conectar as instituições para uma melhor colaboração.
- O Instituto Católico da África Ocidental (CIWA) tem o problema peculiar de permanecer como um bebê após quarenta anos de existência. Isso requer uma atenção especial dos Bispos da RECOWA. Algo deve ser feito para livrar o instituto da estagnação.
No entanto, a conferência terminou com uma nota muito feliz e o presidente prometeu aos participantes que as ideias logo serão combinadas com a ação.
Jeudi 14 octobre 2021, la Commission de l’éducation et de la catéchèse RECOWA-CERAO a tenu son sommet sur le thème « Rassemblement des acteurs ». L’atelier d’une journée auquel a assisté RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA a présenté de nombreux sujets et idées intéressants qui contribueront grandement à équilibrer la déconnexion éducative et catéchétique dans la sous-région. L’atelier virtuel d’une journée a réuni d’éminents éducateurs et parties prenantes des divisions anglophones et francophones de RECOWA-CERAO, parmi lesquels figuraient le président de la commission, un éminent universitaire de renom, qui est également l’évêque catholique du diocèse de Nsukka au Nigeria, l’évêque Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, le Révérend Père Docteur Vitalis Anaehobi qui est l’organisateur de la conférence et l’actuel premier Secrétaire Adjoint de RECOWA-CERAO, la Révérende Sœur Professeur Teresa Okure de l’Institut Catholique d’Afrique de l’Ouest et une foule d’autres érudits.
AGENCE DE PRESSE RECOWACERAO, RECONA a estimé que cette conférence était sa première réunion formelle du 10 (Arrivée) au 13 (Départ) de décembre 2018, au Centre de Pastorale et de Mission à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, avec les membres du Comité de travail de la Commission. La Commission de l’Enseignement Catholique et de la Catéchèse du RECOWA, avait, lors de la réunion d’Abidjan, délibéré sur un certain nombre de questions préoccupantes sur la nécessité d’une synergie entre les institutions catholiques de la sous-région. Dans le prolongement de cette réunion, la Commission a donc décidé de se réunir à nouveau en atelier virtuel ce 14 octobre 2021.
L’atelier a eu lieu sous la présidence distinguée de l’évêque Godfrey I Onah, qui est l’évêque catholique du diocèse de Nsukka au Nigeria. L’atelier était basé sur deux présentations papier principales à savoir; « Les défis de la transmission de la foi à travers l’éducation catholique et la catéchèse en Afrique de l’Ouest » prononcé par le Révérend Frère Victor Sawadogo. L’autre document était intitulé « L’éducation catholique et l’évangélisation aujourd’hui : défis et perspectives » prononcé par le Révérend Père Augustine Okochi. Les conférences ont été suivies d’ateliers et de discussions sur les problèmes soulevés en particulier sur la nécessité pour les institutions éducatives catholiques de la région de travailler ensemble pour des objectifs communs. A l’issue des discussions et du brainstorming, quelques orientations pour des actions concrètes ont été formulées. Ceux-ci comprenaient entre autres,
- Il y a un fort besoin pour les recteurs et les présidents des institutions catholiques de la région RECOWA de former un corps tout comme les recteurs des grands séminaires de la région l’ont déjà fait
- Il y a un fort besoin pour les institutions catholiques de commencer à collaborer entre elles : inviter des conférenciers d’une institution de la région à une autre pour des conférences, séminaires et autres interventions académiques.
- L’expérience francophone de la Fédération des institutions catholiques devrait être reproduite du côté anglophone de la fracture. Cela doit commencer par la formation d’associations de recteurs et de présidents d’institutions catholiques supérieures anglophones.
- L’Association des Directeurs Nationaux de l’Enseignement Catholique en Afrique de l’Ouest (ARNECAO) qui existe du côté francophone depuis 2017 devrait intégrer les anglophones dans leur activité.
- RECOWA devrait jouer le rôle de connecter les institutions pour une meilleure collaboration.
- L’Institut catholique d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CIWA) a un problème particulier de rester comme un bébé après quarante ans d’existence. Ceci appelle une attention particulière de la part des Evêques de RECOWA. Il faut faire quelque chose pour sortir l’institut de la stagnation.
Cependant, la conférence s’est terminée sur une note très heureuse et le président a promis aux participants que les idées seront bientôt assorties d’actions.
On Thursday, the 14th day of October 2021, the RECOWA-CERAO Commission for Education and Catechesis had her summit with the theme “Coming together of the stakeholders”. The one-day workshop which was witnessed by the RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA featured many interesting topics and ideas which will go a long way in balancing the educational and catechetical disconnect in the subregion. The One Day Virtual Workshop gathered Distinguished educationists and stakeholders from the English and French speaking divides of RECOWA-CERAO, prominent among them were the Chairman of the commission, an eminent Scholar of repute, who is also the Catholic Bishop of Nigeria’s Nsukka Diocese, Bishop Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, Reverend Father Doctor Vitalis Anaehobi who is the convener of the conference and the current first Deputy secretary of RECOWA-CERAO, Reverend Sister Professor Teresa Okure drawn from the Catholic Institute of West Africa and a host of other erudite Scholars.
RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA gathered that this conference was her first formal meeting from 10th (Arrival) to 13th (Departure) of December 2018, at the Centre for Pastoral and Mission in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, with the members of the working Committee of the Commission. The RECOWA Commission for Catholic Education and Catechesis, had in the Abidjan meeting deliberated on a number of issues bothering on the need for synergy between the Catholic institutions in the subregion. As a follow-up to that meeting, the Commission therefore decided to come together once again in a virtual workshop on this 14th day of October, 2021.
The Workshop took place under the distinguished chairmanship of Bishop Godfrey I Onah, who is the Catholic Bishop of Nsukka diocese in Nigeria. The workshop was based on two major paper presentations namely; “The challenges of the transmission of the faith through Catholic Education and Catechesis in West Africa” delivered by Reverend Brother Victor Sawadogo. The other paper was captioned “Catholic education and evangelization today: challenges and perspectives” delivered by Reverend Father Augustine Okochi. The conferences were followed by workshops and discussions on the problems raised especially on the need for the Catholic Educational Institutions in the region to work together for common goals. At the end of the discussions and brainstorming, some orientations for concrete actions were formulated. These included among others,
- There is a strong need for the Rectors and Presidents of the Catholic institutions in the RECOWA region to form a body just as the Rectors of the Major Seminaries in the region have already done
- There is strong need for the Catholic Institutions to start collaborating among themselves: inviting lecturers from one institution in the region to another for Conferences, Seminars and other academic interventions.
- The Francophone experience of Federating the Catholic Institutions should be replicated in the Anglophone side of the divide. This has to start with the formation of Associations of the Anglophone Rectors and Presidents of Catholic Higher Institutions.
- The Association of the National Directors of Catholic Education in West Africa (ARNECAO) which has existed in the Francophone side since 2017 should integrate the Anglophone in their activity.
- RECOWA should play the role of connecting the institutions for better collaboration.
- The Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA) has a peculiar problem of remaining like a baby after forty years of existence. This calls for a special attention of the Bishops of RECOWA. Something must be done to deliver the institute from stagnation.
However, the conference came to an end on a very happy note and the chairman promised the participants that the ideas will soon be matched with action.