
On February 2, 2024, Pope Francis delivered his message for the 98th World Mission Day, scheduled for October 20, 2024, under the theme “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (cf. Mt 22:9). Through this message, reported by the RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY correspondent in Rome, the Pope offers a profound reflection on the evangelical mission, emphasizing the importance of evangelization in the current context.

Go and invite : Mission as a tireless call to share the joy of the Gospel

The Holy Father emphasizes the essence of the mission in the verbs “to go” and “to invite.” Evangelization is a tireless call to encounter God, share the good news, and invite everyone to partake in the joy of the divine kingdom. The message encourages all Christians to participate in this universal mission, reminding that each individual is called to be a witness of the Gospel.

To the wedding banquet- The eschatological and Eucharistic aspect of the mission

Pope Francis explores the eschatological dimension, highlighting that the Christian mission is linked to the eschatological banquet, symbolizing eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The invitation to the eternal banquet is intrinsically linked to the Eucharist, symbolizing communion with God and others. The post-Covid Eucharistic renewal is emphasized as essential to revitalize the missionary spirit of each believer.

Everyone : The universal mission of disciples in a fully synodal Church

The Holy Father insists on the universality of the mission, recalling that every mission comes from the heart of Christ. In a divided world, the Gospel remains a gentle yet firm voice, calling for harmony and brotherhood. The Christian mission must extend to everyone, without exclusion. The Pope encourages a fully synodal and missionary Church, emphasizing that synodality and mission are interdependent.

Call for missionary cooperation

In conclusion, Pope Francis calls for close missionary cooperation within the universal Church and particular Churches. He recommends supporting the Pontifical Mission Societies as an effective means to promote a missionary perspective from childhood and to collect funds for global missions.

Moving forward to a missionary and synodal Church

In this year dedicated to prayer in preparation for the Jubilee of 2025, the Holy Father urges everyone to deepen their commitment by actively participating in the celebration of the Mass and praying for the Church’s evangelization mission. Highlighting the importance of daily prayer and the Eucharist, the Pope encourages each individual to become a pilgrim and missionary of hope, heading towards eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

This call from the Holy Father resonates as an encouragement to embrace evangelical mission with zeal, in a spirit of synodality and universality, working together to spread the joy of the message of Jesus Christ worldwide.

Rev. Fr. George Nwachukwu