
Information reaching the office of RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA in Abidjan the capital city of Ivory Coast from far away Guinea Conakry indicates that the Catholic Bishops in Guinea have extended “good wishes” to Muslims as they Start their Holy Month of Ramadan. This gesture goes to put into practice, the papal document, Fratelli Tutti of our Holy Father Pope Francis. Over time, the catholic Bishops all over the world, particularly in our West African sub6region have continued to extend love and fraternity to our Moslem brothers. Recall that in the month of 2023, the entire catholic Bishops of the West African subregion who gathered in Abuja under the aegis of RECOWA-CERAO were bold enough to visit the Emir of the Abuja central mosque. This move was dictated by their onerous desire to convince our Moslem brethren that we are one and undivided.

In a different but slightly parallel dimension, Members of the Episcopal Conference of Guinea (CEG) have decisively extended “good wishes” to Muslims in the West African nation at the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan, which will culminate in the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast.

In a statement issued on behalf of CEG members, Bishop Raphaël Balla Guilavogui says he hopes the monthlong period, which comes at a time when Catholics are observing the Lenten Season, will be a time of grace for all Guineans.

“I wish to extend our good wishes to all Muslims,” the Local Ordinary of N’Zérékoré Diocese who doubles as President of CEG says in his message dated March 11.

He adds, “In this month of Ramadan and in this time of Lent, God joins us and brings us closer to one another.”

“We’re going to walk part of the way together. It’s a sign of our unity and solidarity and shows that we all come from the same Father,” Bishop Guilavogui says.

He describes Ramadan and Lent as a “happy calendar”, which he hopes will “strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and be a time of grace for all our compatriots in their religious diversity.”

The 30-day Ramadan started on March 12 in Guinea and is scheduled to conclude on April 8 with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is believed that the Quran, the central religious text of Islam, was given to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad during this time.

“These great moments of spirituality experienced by Muslims and Catholics will be an opportunity for a new beginning, for forgiveness, love, peace, unity and national cohesion for the good of our country, Guinea,” the President of CEG says in his message on the eve of the start of Ramadan in Guinea.

Rev. Fr. George Nwachukwu