
The World Day of Migrants and Refugees offers a precious opportunity to reflect on the plight of migrants and refugees in our contemporary world. Inspired by the synthesis report from the first session of the recent synod, Pope Francis draws a striking parallel between the itinerant nature of the Church and that of migrants, evoking a journey of hope akin to the Exodus of the Hebrews.

Pope Francis emphasizes that, like the people of Israel under Moses, today’s migrants flee conditions of oppression, abuse, insecurity, and discrimination. In search of better prospects, they face numerous obstacles along their journey. They endure thirst, hunger, fatigue, and illness, often tempted by despair.

Despite these trials, the Pope reminds us that God always precedes and accompanies His people. The history of salvation attests to God’s constant presence among His people, as evidenced by the Ark of the Covenant kept in a tent during the Exodus. Under King David’s reign, God refused to be confined to a temple, continuing to dwell in a tent to walk with His people.

Today, many migrants still experience God’s presence as a companion on their journey. They seek consolation in Him during moments of distress and encounter “Good Samaritans” through His grace along their way. The Bibles, prayer books, and rosaries they carry testify to their faith and hope.

Pope Francis reminds us that God not only walks with His people but also within His people. He identifies with migrants, the poor, and the marginalized, thus extending the mystery of the Incarnation. Therefore, meeting a migrant is also meeting Christ and finding an occasion for salvation. In this sense, the poor save us because they allow us to encounter the face of the Lord.

The message of Pope Francis, reported by the correspondent of RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY (RECONA) based in the Vatican, invites us to walk alongside migrants and refugees, to share their journey, and to support them. He calls for synodal solidarity, reminding us to entrust these individuals to the intercession of Mary, a sign of hope and consolation for the faithful people of God.

Rev. Fr. George Nwachukwu