
A AGÊNCIA DE NOTÍCIAS DA RECOWACERAO testemunhou um desastre no domingo passado em Lagos, o centro comercial da Nigéria, o país mais populoso da África e, segundo a história, o gigante da África. Neste domingo, dia 15 de março, a Rev.Henrietta Alokha, administradora do Bethlehem Girls College, Abule Ado, Amuwo Odofin, na área do governo local do estado de Lagos, perdeu a vida na explosão que ocorreu na manhã de domingo.

Em resposta a seu chamado como religiosa e seguindo os passos de seu mestre, nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, a última Rev. Ir. Henrietta Alokha resgatou todas as crianças sob seus cuidados da explosão e não pôde fazê-lo. Ele deu a vida dela em outro para salvar os outros.

RECONA descobriu que a irmã morreu depois que um telhado da instalação educacional caiu sobre ela.

Enquanto isso, o Dr. Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu, diretor-geral da Agência de Gerenciamento de Emergências do Estado de Lagos (LASEMA), disse que 17 corpos foram recuperados enquanto 25 vítimas estão sendo tratadas por ferimentos sofridos na explosão de Abule-Ado.

Segundo ele, simpatizamos com as famílias dos que morreram, desejamos rápida recuperação aos feridos e também pedimos calma.

Oke-Osanyintolu instou os moradores de Abule-Ado a evitar notícias falsas sobre a explosão.

“Nós, a equipe de resposta do LASEMA, chegamos ao local do incidente e descobrimos que um incêndio violento havia deslocado vários moradores que fugiram de suas residências por medo de serem apanhados no inferno.

“A principal causa da explosão ainda é desconhecida.

“Há várias explosões secundárias que causaram danos significativos a vários edifícios, incluindo o nivelamento de uma igreja no chão e a destruição do albergue de meninas de St. Margaret.

“As causas ainda não foram determinadas, enquanto agentes de segurança estão investigando a causa da explosão”, disse Oke-Osanyintolu.

Ele disse que as atividades de recuperação e resgate foram realizadas pelo Ministério de Funções Especiais, LASEMA, equipe de bombeiros do Estado de Lagos, Departamento Federal de Bombeiros, Comissão de Segurança, Agência de Controle de Prédios do Estado de Lagos (LASBCA) e outros socorristas.

Ele disse que a operação ainda estava em andamento, dizendo que as atualizações continuariam durante o curso da operação, enquanto as investigações continuam em andamento.



L’AGENCE DE NOUVELLES DE RECOWACERAO a été témoin d’une catastrophe dimanche dernier à Lagos, le centre névralgique commercial du Nigéria, le pays le plus peuplé d’Afrique et, selon l’histoire, le géant de l’Afrique. Ce dimanche 15 mars, la révérende sœur Henrietta Alokha, administratrice au Bethlehem Girls College, à Abule Ado, dans la région du gouvernement local d’Amuwo Odofin de l’État de Lagos, a perdu la vie dans l’explosion qui s’est produite dimanche matin.

En réponse à son appel en tant que religieuse et suivant les traces de son maître, notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, feu révérend Sr. Henrietta Alokha a sauvé tous les enfants dont elle avait la charge de l’explosion et n’a pas pu le faire elle-même. Il lui a donné la vie dans d’autres pour sauver les autres.

RECONA a découvert que la sœur serait décédée après qu’un toit de l’établissement d’enseignement lui soit tombé dessus.

Pendant ce temps, le Dr Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu, directeur général de l’Agence de gestion des urgences de l’État de Lagos (LASEMA), a déclaré que 17 corps ont été retrouvés tandis que 25 blessés sont soignés pour les blessures subies dans l’explosion d’Abule-Ado.

Selon lui, nous sympathisons avec les familles des personnes décédées, souhaitons aux blessés un prompt rétablissement et nous appelons également au calme.

Oke-Osanyintolu a exhorté les habitants d’Abule-Ado à éviter les fausses nouvelles concernant l’explosion.

“Nous, l’équipe d’intervention de LASEMA, sommes arrivés sur les lieux de l’incident et il a été découvert qu’un incendie qui faisait rage avait déplacé plusieurs résidents qui avaient fui leur domicile de peur d’être pris dans l’enfer.”

“La cause principale de l’explosion est encore inconnue.

“Il y a un certain nombre d’explosions secondaires qui ont causé des dommages importants à plusieurs bâtiments, notamment le nivellement d’une église au sol et la destruction de l’auberge St. Margaret’s Girls.

“Les causes restent à déterminer, tandis que les agents de sécurité enquêtent sur la cause de l’explosion”, a déclaré Oke-Osanyintolu.

Il a déclaré que les activités de récupération et de sauvetage étaient menées par le ministère des Fonctions spéciales, LASEMA, l’équipe des pompiers de l’État de Lagos, le service fédéral des pompiers, la Commission de la sécurité, l’Agence de contrôle des bâtiments de l’État de Lagos (LASBCA) et d’autres premiers intervenants.

Il a déclaré que l’opération était toujours en cours, affirmant que les mises à jour se poursuivraient tout au long de l’opération, tandis que les enquêtes se poursuivraient


RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY witnessed a disaster last Sunday in Lagos, the commercial nerve center of Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa and as the story goes, the giant of Africa. On this Sunday, the 15th day of March, Rev. Sr.Henrietta Alokha, an administrator at Bethlehem Girls College, Abule Ado, Amuwo Odofin local government area of Lagos state lost her life in the explosion which occurred on Sunday morning.

In answer to her call as a religious and following the footstep of her master, our Lord Jesus Christ, Late Rev. Sr. Henrietta Alokha rescued all the children under her care from the explosion and could not make it herself. He gave her life in other to save others.

RECONA discovered that the sister reportedly died after a roof of the educational facility fell on her.

Meanwhile, Dr. Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu, the Director-General Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), has said that 17 bodies have been recovered while 25 casualties are being treated for injuries sustained in the Abule-Ado explosion.

According to him, we sympathize with the families of those that died, wish the injured ones quick recovery and we also appeal for calm.

Oke-Osanyintolu urged residents of Abule-Ado to shun fake news concerning the explosion.

“We the LASEMA Response Team arrived at the incident scene and it was discovered that a raging fire had displaced several residents who fled their abodes for fear of being caught up in the inferno.

“The primary cause of the explosion is yet unknown.

“There are a number of secondary explosions which have caused significant damage to multiple buildings including the leveling of a Church to the ground and the destruction of St. Margaret’s Girls Hostel.

“The causes are yet to be determined, while security agents are investigating the cause of the explosion,” Oke-Osanyintolu said.

He said that recovery and rescue activities were carried out by the Ministry of Special Duties, LASEMA, Lagos State Fire Service crew, Federal Fire Service Department, Safety Commission, Lagos State Building Control Agency (LASBCA) and other first responders.

He said that operation was still in progress, saying that updates would continue through the course of operation, while investigations remain ongoing.


Residents of the Abule Ado area of Amuwo Odofin local government area, Lagos State, are counting their losses after a devastating explosion that claimed 15 lives and destroyed over 100 houses.

Among the affected building are Bethlehem Girls College and a popular hotel. At least, 60 injured students of Bethlehem Girls College have been taken to the Nigerian Navy Hospital in Ojo Cantonment for treatment.

Unconfirmed reports say of the 15 casualties, the principal of the college, Rev. Sr. Henrietta Alokha, who struggled to rescue her students from the rubbles of the devastation died yesterday morning as a roof of one of the school buildings fell on her in the process of the rescue effort.

Also, four students and the school bursar were reported to have been among the casualties. Eyewitnesses said the casualties would have been much had many not left their homes to attend Sunday service in their various churches.

The college was worst hit because the boarding school was having its Sunday mass when the explosion occurred. A family of four were also recovered from the scene, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said. A couple and their two sons were caught by the explosion on their way to church at about 9:00 a.m.

According to a civil servant with the ministry of transport, Madukwe Hyacinth, who lost two buildings and four vehicles to the incident, he started perceiving the smell of gas at about 8:00 a.m. He said he had instructed his gateman to put off his generating set, thinking the leakage was from one of the houses using cooking gas.

Hyacinth, who had just returned from London, on Sunday morning said: “This whole incident is just like a movie scene. I just came back from London this morning and was relaxing in my bedroom when this happened. My wife and my children had gone for morning service, and it was just me and my gateman at home.

“When I started perceiving the smell of gas, I called my security man to put off the generator because there was no light then. I was thinking there was gas leakage from one of the houses around. But shortly after, I heard the sound of the explosion. The entire roof of my two buildings went off, the windows were broken, and all I can say now is that I am lucky to still be alive. What if my children and wife were around, God knows what would have happened.”

However, another victim, who gave his name simply as Mr. Timothy, was of the opinion that the explosion was not caused by gas emission. He said: “I lost my house in this attack, and the authorities are saying it was a gas explosion, I don’t believe that. Did you see the level of havoc done?

Over 200 houses affected, many cars destroyed, how can gas explosion blow off the roof of a house without burning it. Even house that was far off were affected. They should investigate this, as I think this is a terrorist attack, camouflaged as a gas explosion.”

Also speaking on the losses incurred as a result of the disaster, the chairman Nigeria Automobile Technician Association, Trade Fair branch, Prince Muritala Olawoye, said hundreds of vehicles were vandalized as a result of the explosion. He said the mechanic village had also lost three ovens, worth over N10 million each, as he called on the government to come to their aid.

Another victim of the explosion, Prince Ajele Abayomi told newsmen that his house was razed down. His wife, who sustained the injury, was also rushed to the hospital after the explosion. “We are appealing to the state government to come to our rescue. The explosion was not caused by a pipeline explosion.

The chairman of Amuwo-Odofin LGA, Dr. Valentine Buraimoh, in the company of other executives of the council, said that the explosion was not caused by human vandalization but by a technical mishap along the pipeline channels. Buraimoh, popularly known as the Mayor, also sustained an injury while going around to ascertain the level of the damage

He gave a mandate for evacuated victims to be moved to the primary health center for first aid and subsequent movement to the general hospital for emergency situations.


Rev. Fr. George Nwachukwu