
Here is the translation of your text into English:

Pope Francis has invited the cardinals to intensify their efforts to achieve the goal of “zero deficit” in the Catholic Church’s economy. This appeal, made in a letter dated September 16 and reported by the correspondent of RECOWA CERAO NEWS (RECONA) in the Vatican, aims to encourage cost reduction, seek external resources, and practice evangelical generosity.

The Pope recalled that ten years ago, the reform of the Roman Curia was initiated under the principle “Ecclesia semper reformanda” (“the Church always in need of reform”). Despite challenges, resistance to change, and sometimes a temptation to remain static, he emphasized that notable progress has been made during this decade of reform.

Francis highlighted the need for economic reform within the Holy See, a crucial topic discussed during the general congregations preceding his papal election. According to him, it is time to redouble efforts to make the “zero deficit” goal a concrete reality, not just a theoretical aspiration. This goal is based on a collective awareness that the Church’s economic resources, meant for its mission, are limited and must be managed with rigor and seriousness. The Pope reminded them of the importance of not wasting the contributions that have built the patrimony of the Holy See.

Beyond avoiding debt, Pope Francis emphasized the importance for each institution to seek external resources to support its missionary activities. He stressed that this search for funding must be accompanied by exemplary, transparent, and responsible management, serving as a model for the entire Church.

Another crucial aspect of this reform is cost reduction. The Pope urged avoiding excess, clearly defining priorities, and encouraging collaboration and synergies between institutions. For him, these strategic decisions, taken with a great sense of responsibility, are essential to ensuring the future of the Church’s mission.

Francis also proposed a vision based on family solidarity to improve resource management. He noted that the institutions of the Holy See could take inspiration from good families, where each member helps the other in times of need. Entities with financial surpluses should thus contribute to offsetting the deficits of other organizations, promoting a spirit of evangelical generosity.

Finally, the Pope called on the cardinals to embrace these reforms with courage, loyalty, and a spirit of service, leveraging their knowledge and experience to support this transition. He insisted on the importance of genuine collaboration among all the institutions of the Holy See, forming a unified body working for the good of the Church.

Rev. Fr. George Nwachukwu