
The solemn opening mass of the 124th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Bishops of Côte d’Ivoire marked the start of a major event, taking place this year at the Saint Albert Legrand parish in Katiola. The Catholic faithful of this city gathered for a moment of prayer in union with their bishops, thus launching the festivities of this crucial Assembly which is being held in the diocese of Katiola in Côte d’Ivoire.

During his homily, reported at the RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY office in Abidjan, Mgr Marcellin Kouadio, president of the Episcopal Conference of Côte d’Ivoire, shared profound reflections on the gospel of the day. Emphasizing Jesus’ dual kinship, both biological and spiritual, he emphasized Jesus’ kingship as King of the Universe, whose reign embodies life and truth.
Bishop Marcellin addressed the question of accession to power, questioning the legitimacy of leaders appointed by decree on African soil. He strongly denounced the methods of gaining power by force, whether by arms, rebellion, or electoral fraud, stressing that not all means can be legitimized in the name of God. He insisted that legitimate power comes from God, calling for deep reflection on democratic systems and their implications.

The prelate expressed his concern about the race for power characterized by political embezzlement and the accumulation of positions. He underlined the presence of real political and financial malnutrition within the political classes, attributing this to a sluggish, anemic, and selective justice system. Archbishop Marcellin raised crucial questions about peace, questioning the possibility of real progress in a corrupt political climate.

The prelate reminded priests of the importance of uniting with Jesus through baptism, urging them to make their lives an offering acceptable to God. He encouraged them to bear witness to justice and truth as prophets, thus emphasizing the crucial role of priests in promoting spiritual values within society.

Rev. Fr. George Nwachukwu