Nosso correspondente oficial concluiu que Eselu estava saindo da igreja depois de assistir ao funeral de seu colega, Rev Pe Christopher Nnachi Agwu. Informações sobre seu enterro não foram disponibilizadas no momento da apresentação desta notícia. Até sua morte, o padre era o pároco da paróquia de São Patrício Ezza-Ofu, no estado de Ebonyi. A Diocese Católica de Abakaliki na quinta-feira, 18 de agosto, anunciou a morte repentina do padre.
Uma declaração assinada pelo Chanceler Diocesano, Rev. Pe. Mathew Uzoma Opoke, descreveu Eselu como um padre jovial e dedicado que se deleitava na celebração da missa.
“Esperamos que Deus, para quem serviu, prepare um banquete cheio de coisas boas para aquele que serviu em sua vinha de maneira tão notável. Pedimos suas orações por seu descanso eterno após seu serviço meritório. O rito fúnebre será anunciado mais tarde.” a declaração lida.
The Correspondent of RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA, previously attached to the office of the President of RECOWA-CERAO in Abuja, the capital, of Nigeria has filed in very pathetic news. The information said that a Catholic priest has an auto crash in front of the church after attending a colleague’s burial. This awful incident took place following an auto crash in Abakaliki, in the state of Ebonyi in faraway Nigeria. The news had it that a Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Raymond Ifeanyi Eselu, has lost his life. The ghastly accident took place on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, in front of St. Theresa’s Cathedral, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Our official Correspondent gathered that Eselu was driving out of the church after attending the funeral of his colleague, Rev Fr Christopher Nnachi Agwu. Information about his burial has not been made available at the time of filing this news. Until his death, the priest was the parish priest of St Patrick’s parish Ezza-Ofu in Ebonyi state. The Catholic Diocese of Abakaliki on Thursday, August 18, announced the sudden demise of the priest.
A statement signed by the Diocesan Chancellor, Rev. Fr. Mathew Uzoma Opoke, described Eselu as a jovial and dedicated priest who took delight in the celebration of Mass.
“We are hopeful that God, for who, he served, would prepare a banquet full of good things for the one who has served in his vineyard in so remarkable a manner. We ask for your prayers for his eternal repose after his meritorious service. The funeral rite will be announced later.” the statement read.
Le correspondant de RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA, auparavant attaché au bureau du président de RECOWA-CERAO à Abuja, la capitale du Nigeria, a déposé une nouvelle très pathétique. L’information dit qu’un prêtre catholique a eu un accident de voiture devant l’église après avoir assisté à l’enterrement d’un collègue. Ce terrible incident a eu lieu à la suite d’un accident de voiture à Abakaliki, dans l’État d’Ebonyi, au lointain Nigeria. La nouvelle disait qu’un prêtre catholique, le Rév. Raymond Ifeanyi Eselu, a perdu la vie. Le terrible accident a eu lieu le mercredi 17 août 2022, devant la cathédrale Sainte-Thérèse, à Abakaliki, au Nigeria.
Notre correspondant officiel a appris qu’Eselu sortait de l’église après avoir assisté aux funérailles de son collègue, le révérend Christopher Nnachi Agwu. Les informations sur son enterrement n’ont pas été rendues disponibles au moment du dépôt de cette nouvelle. Jusqu’à sa mort, le prêtre était le curé de la paroisse St Patrick Ezza-Ofu dans l’État d’Ebonyi. Le diocèse catholique d’Abakaliki a annoncé le jeudi 18 août le décès soudain du prêtre.
Une déclaration signée par le chancelier diocésain, le Rév. Mathew Uzoma Opoke, a décrit Eselu comme un prêtre jovial et dévoué qui se délectait de la célébration de la messe.
« Nous espérons que Dieu, pour qui il a servi, préparera un banquet plein de bonnes choses pour celui qui a servi dans sa vigne d’une manière si remarquable. Nous demandons vos prières pour son repos éternel après son service méritoire. Le rite funéraire sera annoncé plus tard. la déclaration lue.