Cardeais Luis Antonio Tagle, que serve como prefeito da Congregação para a Evangelização dos Povos.
Outros são Michael Czerny, SJ, subsecretário da Seção de Migrantes e Refugiados do Dicastério para a Promoção do Desenvolvimento Humano Integral, estão entre os novos membros do Conselho Pontifício para o Diálogo Inter-Religioso.
Cardeal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Arcebispo de Bangui;
Cardeal Louis-Marie Ling Mangkhanekhoun, Vigário Apostólico de Vientiane;
Cardeal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Arcebispo Jacarta e Ordinário do Ordinariado Militar da Indonésia; e
Cardeal Jean-Claude Höllerich, Arcebispo do Luxemburgo, ao Conselho.
Os membros do Bispo de várias partes do mundo incluem:
Arcebispo Lawrence Huculak, arcebispo de Winnipeg dos ucranianos;
Arcebispo Felix Anthony Machado, Bispo de Vasai;
Arcebispo George Frendo, Arcebispo de Tiranë-Durrës;
Arcebispo Mark Tin Win, Arcebispo de Mandalay;
Arcebispo Jean-Marc Aveline, Arcebispo de Marselha;
Arcebispo Paul Desfarges, Arcebispo de Alger
Bispo Paul Yoshinao Otsuka, Bispo de Kyōto;
Bispo Thomas Chung An-zu, bispo de Kiayi;
Bispo Raphy Manjaly, Bispo de Allahabad;
Bispo Ambrogio Spreafico, Bispo de Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino;
Bispo Michael Joseph McKenna, Bispo de Bathurst;
Bispo William Hanna Shomali, Bispo titular de Lidda;
Bispo Denis Chidi Isizoh, Bispo titular da Legia;
Bispo Patrick Joseph McKinney, Bispo de Nottingham;
O bispo James Massa, bispo titular de Bardstown;
Dom Joseph Đình Đúc Đao, bispo de Xuân Lôc.
Em uma conversa por telefone hoje com o bispo Isizoh, agência de notícias RECOWACERAO, a RECONA ficou satisfeita com o nível de equanimidade com que o bispo aceitou essa indicação. Ele apenas vê isso como um prolongamento de seu serviço habitual a Deus e à humanidade. O Conselho Pontifício para o Diálogo Inter-Religioso (PCID) é um dicastério (departamento especial) da Cúria Romana para as relações com as pessoas de outras religiões. Foi estabelecido pelo Papa Paulo VI no domingo de Pentecostes, em 19 de maio de 1964, durante o Concílio Vaticano II, como Secretaria de Não-Cristãos. Foi renomeado Conselho Pontifício para o Diálogo Inter-religioso pelo Papa João Paulo II, em 28 de junho de 1988.
O PCID é responsável pela promoção da compreensão, respeito e colaboração mútuos entre católicos e seguidores de outras tradições religiosas. Deve-se notar, no entanto, que essa responsabilidade do PCID não inclui o diálogo com a religião judaica, porque o diálogo com as religiões judaicas é da competência da Comissão de Relações Religiosas com Judeus, e isso está sob o Pontifício Conselho para Promovendo a Unidade Cristã. O presidente da RECOWA-CERAO, arcebispo Inácio Kaigama, e todos os membros do bispo deste órgão exaltado desejam ao irmão-bispo o melhor nesta nova nomeação. Eles expressaram otimismo com o fato de o bispo Isizoh dar o melhor ao mundo neste novo ofício, tendo trabalhado no Vaticano como sacerdote comum por anos.
Information mise à la disposition de l’AGENCE DE NOUVELLES RECOWACERAO, RECONA indique qu’un membre de première ligne du RECOWA-CERAO du Nigéria a été nommé au sein du PCID. Notre correspondant a rapporté récemment que le pape François avait nommé mercredi dernier Mgr Denis Isizoh, évêque auxiliaire de l’archidiocèse d’Onitsha au Nigeria, aux côtés de 21 autres en tant que nouveaux membres du Conseil pontifical pour le dialogue interreligieux. Les nouveaux membres ont six cardinaux et un certain nombre d’évêques. Les membres cardinaux sont:
Les cardinaux Luis Antonio Tagle, qui est préfet de la Congrégation pour l’évangélisation des peuples.
Parmi les nouveaux membres du Conseil pontifical pour le dialogue interreligieux figurent également Michael Czerny, SJ, sous-secrétaire de la Section des migrants et des réfugiés du Dicastère pour la promotion du développement humain intégré.
Le cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, archevêque de Bangui;
Le cardinal Louis-Marie Ling Mangkhanekhoun, vicaire apostolique de Vientiane;
Le cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, l’archevêque Jakarta et ordinaire de l’ordinariat militaire d’Indonésie; et
Cardinal Jean-Claude Höllerich, archevêque de Luxembourg, au Conseil.
Les membres Bishop de diverses parties du monde comprennent:
L’archevêque Lawrence Huculak, archevêque de Winnipeg des Ukrainiens;
L’archevêque Felix Anthony Machado, évêque de Vasai;
L’archevêque George Frendo, archevêque de Tiranë-Durrës;
L’archevêque Mark Tin Win, archevêque de Mandalay;
L’archevêque Jean-Marc Aveline, archevêque de Marseille;
Mgr Paul Desfarges, archevêque d’Alger
Mgr Paul Yoshinao Otsuka, évêque de Kyōto;
Mgr Thomas Chung An-zu, évêque de Kiayi;
Mgr Raphy Manjaly, évêque d’Allahabad;
Mgr Ambrogio Spreafico, évêque de Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino;
Mgr Michael Joseph McKenna, évêque de Bathurst;
Mgr William Hanna Shomali, évêque titulaire de Lidda;
Mgr Denis Chidi Isizoh, évêque titulaire de Legia;
Mgr Patrick Joseph McKinney, évêque de Nottingham;
Mgr James Massa, évêque titulaire de Bardstown;
Mgr Joseph Đình Đúc Đao, évêque de Xuân Lôc.
Au cours d’une conversation téléphonique aujourd’hui avec Mgr Isizoh, AGENCE DE PRESSE RECOWACERAO, RECONA était satisfaite du niveau d’équanimité avec lequel l’évêque a accepté cette nomination. Il le voit simplement comme une prolongation de son service habituel à Dieu et à l’humanité. Le Conseil Pontifical pour le Dialogue Interreligieux (PCID) est un dicastère (département spécial) de la Curie romaine pour les relations avec les peuples des autres religions. Il a été créé par le pape Paul VI le dimanche de Pentecôte, le 19 mai 1964, lors du Concile Vatican II, en tant que Secrétariat pour les non-chrétiens. Il a été rebaptisé Conseil pontifical pour le dialogue interreligieux par saint Jean-Paul II, le 28 juin 1988.
Le PCID est chargé de promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle, le respect et la collaboration entre les catholiques et les adeptes d’autres traditions religieuses. Il convient toutefois de noter que cette responsabilité du PCID n’inclut pas le dialogue avec la religion juive, car le dialogue avec les religions juives relève de la compétence de la Commission des relations religieuses avec les juifs, et cela relève du Conseil pontifical pour Promouvoir l’unité des chrétiens. Le président de RECOWA-CERAO, l’archevêque Ignatius Kaigama, et tous les évêques membres de ce corps exalté souhaitent au frère-évêque le meilleur dans cette nouvelle nomination. Ils ont exprimé leur optimisme que l’évêque Isizoh donnera le meilleur au monde dans ce nouveau bureau après avoir travaillé au Vatican comme prêtre ordinaire pendant des années.
Information made available to the RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA indicates a frontline member of RECOWA-CERAO from Nigeria has been appointed into the PCID. Our correspondent reported lately that Pope Francis has last Wednesday, appointed Most Rev. Denis Isizoh, the Auxiliary Bishop of Onitsha Archdiocese in Nigeria, alongside 21 others as new members to the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. The new members have six Cardinals and a number of Bishops. The Cardinal members are:
Cardinals Luis Antonio Tagle, who serves as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
Others are Michael Czerny, SJ, the Under-secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, are among the new members of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue.
Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Archbishop of Bangui;
Cardinal Louis-Marie Ling Mangkhanekhoun, Vicar Apostolic of Vientiane;
Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Archbishop Jakarta and Ordinary of the Military Ordinariate of Indonesia; and
Cardinal Jean-Claude Höllerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg, to the Council.
The Bishop-members from various parts of the world include:
Archbishop Lawrence Huculak, Archbishop of Winnipeg of the Ukrainians;
Archbishop Felix Anthony Machado, Bishop of Vasai;
Archbishop George Frendo, Archbishop of Tiranë-Durrës;
Archbishop Mark Tin Win, Archbishop of Mandalay;
Archbishop Jean-Marc Aveline, Archbishop of Marseille;
Archbishop Paul Desfarges, Archbishop of Alger
Bishop Paul Yoshinao Otsuka, Bishop of Kyōto;
Bishop Thomas Chung An-zu, Bishop of Kiayi;
Bishop Raphy Manjaly, Bishop of Allahabad;
Bishop Ambrogio Spreafico, Bishop of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino;
Bishop Michael Joseph McKenna, Bishop of Bathurst;
Bishop William Hanna Shomali, titular Bishop of Lidda;
Bishop Denis Chidi Isizoh, titular Bishop of Legia;
Bishop Patrick Joseph McKinney, Bishop of Nottingham;
Bishop James Massa, titular Bishop of Bardstown;
Bishop Joseph Đình Đúc Đao, Bishop of Xuân Lôc.
In a telephone conversation today with Bishop Isizoh, RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, RECONA was pleased with the level of equanimity with which the Bishop accepted this nomination. He merely sees it as a prolongation of his usual service to God and humanity. The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID) is a dicastery (special department) of the Roman Curia for relations with the people of other religions. It was established by Pope Paul VI on the Pentecost Sunday, 19 May 1964, during the Second Vatican Council, as the Secretariat for Non-Christians. It was renamed the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue by St., Pope John Paul II, on 28 June 1988.
The PCID is charged with the responsibility of promoting mutual understanding, respect, and collaboration between Catholics and followers of other religious traditions. It should be noted, however, that this responsibility of the PCID does not include dialogue with the Jewish religion, because the dialogue with the Jewish religions falls under the competence of the Commission for Religious Relations with Jews, and this comes under the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The president of RECOWA-CERAO, Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama, and the entire Bishop members of this exalted body wish the brother-bishop the very best in this new appointment. They expressed optimism the Bishop Isizoh will give the best to the world in this new office having worked in the Vatican as an ordinary priest for years.