Tag: west africa

Guinea’s new constitution must preserve religious freedoms, Catholic archbishop says — Nova constituição da Guiné deve preservar as liberdades religiosas, diz arcebispo católico — La nouvelle constitution de la Guinée doit préserver les libertés religieuses, selon un archevêque catholique

Bishop Vincent Coulibaly, Archbishop of Conakry in Guinea, recently said that the new constitution envisaged in Guinea must guarantee the protection of religious freedoms. He stressed the need for the new constitution to “reflect a set of principles on which all citizens of the country can agree” and to “preserve secularism while respecting religious freedoms”. Bishop Coulibaly also pleaded for a reorganization of the judicial and political system to ensure better governance and an equitable distribution of national resources. Only time will tell if these recommendations will be taken into account in the development of the new Guinean constitution.

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A Cardinal in Nigeria urges politicians to avoid “any form of manipulation” in the 2023 elections — Um cardeal da Nigéria pede aos políticos que evitem “qualquer forma de manipulação” nas eleições de 2023 — Un cardinal du Nigeria exhorte les politiciens à éviter “toute forme de manipulation” lors des élections de 2023

Cardinal John Onaiyekan, a prominent religious leader in Nigeria, has issued a strong warning to...

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