Em um esforço para prejudicar a cobertura da RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, um de nossos notáveis correspondentes esteve estacionado na África Oriental. As informações que chegam à sede da RECOWACERAO NEWSA GENCY indicam que o Cardeal Fridolin Ambongo, Arcebispo de Kinshasa, e o Pastor André Bokundoa, Chefe da Igreja de Cristo no Congo, são dois grandes líderes africanos a imitar em sua abordagem à armadilha regular contra a Igreja. vários governos africanos.
Na quarta-feira, 22 de abril, o chefe de estado congolês Félix Tshisekedi nomeou, em uma portaria, líderes religiosos, incluindo o cardeal Fridolin Ambongo, arcebispo de Kinshasa, à frente do Fundo Nacional de Solidariedade para a luta contra o Covid-19 (Fnscc).
Em um texto datado de 30 de abril, a plataforma de denominações religiosas da República Democrática do Congo estimou que o estatuto de um líder religioso não é compatível com a gestão financeira de tal estrutura, oferecendo sua colaboração dentro de um conselho do Conselho.
O cardeal Fridolin Ambongo, arcebispo de Kinshasa, não chefiará o Fundo Nacional de Solidariedade para a luta contra o Covid-19 (Fnscc). Isso pode ser deduzido de uma declaração tornada pública pela Plataforma de Denominações Religiosas da República Democrática do Congo em 30 de abril.
Em 22 de abril, o chefe de estado congolês Félix Tshisekedi assinou um decreto criando o Fundo Nacional de Solidariedade para a luta contra o Covid-19 (Fnscc), uma estrutura encarregada de coletar e distribuir meios financeiros às pessoas afetadas pelos trabalhadores da pandemia e da saúde . À frente deste Fundo, ele nomeou líderes religiosos, incluindo o Cardeal Fridolin Ambongo (presidente), destacado por André Bokundoa, presidente da Igreja de Cristo no Congo (ECC), Imam Abdallah Mangala Luaba e Pastor Sony Kafuta.
Em seu texto tornado público em 30 de abril, os líderes religiosos congoleses consideraram que as modalidades dessa estrutura – principalmente a gestão financeira dos fundos arrecadados – não são compatíveis com seu status. “Os chefes das denominações religiosas, dispostos a contribuir para a luta contra o Covid-19, perceberam que os termos desse apoio, conforme estipulado na ordenança, são incompatíveis com o status de líderes espirituais”, explicam.
Na República Democrática do Congo, um enorme país da África Central, os líderes religiosos gozam de grande autoridade e a Igreja Católica continua sendo uma das instituições mais confiáveis. O desejo de envolver religiosos diretamente, com o cardeal Ambongo à frente, era, portanto, uma maneira do poder de Tshisekedi de tranquilizar os beneficiários dos fundos arrecadados para a luta contra o Coronavírus sobre a transparência na gestão.
Mas aceitar tal oferta não teria sido sem perigo para o arcebispo de Kinshasa e os outros líderes. De fato, em muitos países africanos, fortes suspeitas de desvio de fundos alocados à luta contra o Covid-19 pesam sobre as estruturas encarregadas de sua gestão.
Para substituí-los à frente da Fnscc, os membros da Plataforma de Denominações Religiosas propuseram técnicos e ofereceram sua colaboração dentro de um Conselho Consultivo. Esta última entidade “monitorará a administração do FNSCC e dará suas opiniões ao Presidente da República pela administração adequada dos fundos e materiais coletados”.
Essas emendas foram aceitas por Félix Tshisekedi, que recebeu os líderes das principais religiões do país em 30 de abril. Recorde-se que a República Democrática do Congo tem 674 casos de coronavírus em 3 de maio.
Dans un effort pour détribaliser la couverture de RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, l’un de nos correspondants notables a été posté en Afrique de l’Est. Les informations parvenues au siège de RECOWACERAO NEWSA GENCY indiquent que le cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, archevêque de Kinshasa, et le pasteur André Bokundoa, chef de l’Église du Christ au Congo sont deux grands dirigeants africains à imiter dans leur approche du piège régulier contre l’Église par divers gouvernements africains.
Mercredi 22 avril, le chef de l’Etat congolais Félix Tshisekedi avait, par ordonnance, nommé des chefs religieux dont le cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, archevêque de Kinshasa, à la tête du Fonds national de solidarité pour la lutte contre Covid-19 (Fnscc).
Dans un texte daté du 30 avril, la plateforme des confessions religieuses de la RD-Congo a estimé que le statut d’un chef religieux n’est pas compatible avec la gestion financière d’une telle structure offrant plutôt sa collaboration au sein d’un conseil consultatif.
Le cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, archevêque de Kinshasa ne dirigera finalement pas le Fonds national de solidarité pour la lutte contre Covid-19 (Fnscc). Cela peut être déduit d’une déclaration rendue publique par la Plateforme des confessions religieuses de la RD-Congo le 30 avril.
Le 22 avril, le chef de l’Etat congolais Félix Tshisekedi avait signé une ordonnance créant le Fonds national de solidarité pour la lutte contre Covid-19 (Fnscc), une structure chargée de collecter et de distribuer les moyens financiers aux personnes touchées par la pandémie et aux personnels de santé . A la tête de ce Fonds, il avait nommé des chefs religieux dont le cardinal Fridolin Ambongo (président), secondé par André Bokundoa, président de l’Église du Christ au Congo (ECC), l’imam Abdallah Mangala Luaba et le pasteur Sony Kafuta.
Dans leur texte rendu public le 30 avril, les chefs religieux congolais ont estimé que les modalités de cette structure – notamment la gestion financière des fonds collectés – n’étaient pas compatibles avec leur statut. “Les chefs des confessions religieuses, désireux de contribuer à la lutte contre Covid-19, se sont rendu compte que les conditions de ce soutien telles que stipulées dans l’ordonnance s’avèrent incompatibles avec leur statut de chefs spirituels”, expliquent-ils.
En RD du Congo, un immense pays d’Afrique centrale, les chefs religieux jouissent d’une grande autorité et l’Église catholique reste l’une des institutions les plus crédibles. La volonté d’impliquer directement les religieux, avec le cardinal Ambongo à leur tête, était donc un moyen pour le pouvoir de Tshisekedi de rassurer les bénéficiaires des fonds collectés pour la lutte contre le coronavirus sur la transparence de la gestion.
Mais accepter une telle offre n’aurait pas été sans danger pour l’archevêque de Kinshasa et les autres dirigeants. En effet, dans de nombreux pays africains, de fortes suspicions de détournement de fonds alloués à la lutte contre Covid-19 pèsent sur les structures en charge de leur gestion.
Pour les remplacer à la tête de la Fnscc, les membres de la Plateforme des dénominations religieuses ont proposé des techniciens et offert leur collaboration au sein d’un conseil consultatif. Cette dernière entité “surveillera la gestion de la FNSCC et rendra son avis au Président de la République pour la bonne gestion des fonds et matériels collectés”.
Ces amendements ont été acceptés par Félix Tshisekedi, qui a reçu le 30 avril les chefs des principales religions du pays. On se souviendra que la RD Congo comptait 674 cas de coronavirus au 3 mai.
In an effort to detribalize the coverage of RECOWACERAO NEWS AGENCY, one of our notable Correspondents has been stationed in East Africa. Information reaching the headquarters of RECOWACERAO NEWSA GENCY indicates that Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa, and Pastor André Bokundoa, Head of the Church of Christ in Congo are two great African leaders to emulate in their approach to the regular trap set against the Church by various African governments.
On Wednesday, April 22, the Congolese head of state Félix Tshisekedi had, in an ordinance, appointed religious leaders including Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa, at the head of the National Solidarity Fund for the fight against Covid-19 ( Fnscc).
In a text dated April 30, the platform of religious denominations of the DR-Congo estimated that the statute of a religious leader is not compatible with the financial management of such a structure offering rather its collaboration within a Council advisory.
Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa will not ultimately head the National Solidarity Fund for the fight against Covid-19 (Fnscc). This can be deduced from a statement made public by the Platform of Religious Denominations of DR-Congo on April 30.
On April 22, the Congolese head of state Félix Tshisekedi had signed an ordinance creating the National Solidarity Fund for the fight against Covid-19 (Fnscc), a structure in charge of collecting and distributing financial means to people affected by the pandemic and healthcare workers. At the head of this Fund, he had appointed religious leaders including Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo (president), seconded by André Bokundoa, president of the Church of Christ in Congo (ECC), Imam Abdallah Mangala Luaba and Pastor Sony Kafuta.
In their text made public on April 30, the Congolese religious leaders considered that the modalities of this structure – notably the financial management of the funds collected – are not compatible with their status. “The heads of religious denominations, willing to contribute to the fight against Covid-19, have realized that the terms of this support as stipulated in the ordinance prove to be incompatible with their status as spiritual leaders”, they explain.
In DR Congo, a huge Central African country, religious leaders enjoy great authority and the Catholic Church remains one of the most credible institutions. The desire to involve religious directly, with Cardinal Ambongo at their head, was, therefore, a way for Tshisekedi’s power to reassure the beneficiaries of the funds collected for the fight against the Coronavirus about transparency in management.
But accepting such an offer would not have been without danger for the Archbishop of Kinshasa and the other leaders. In fact, in many African countries, strong suspicions of embezzlement of funds allocated to the fight against Covid-19 weigh on the structures in charge of their management.
To replace them at the head of the Fnscc, the members of the Platform of Religious Denominations proposed technicians and offered their collaboration within an Advisory Council. This latter entity will “monitor the management of the FNSCC and give its opinions to the President of the Republic for the proper management of the funds and materials collected”.
These amendments were accepted by Félix Tshisekedi, who received the leaders of the country’s main religions on April 30. It will be recalled that DR Congo has 674 cases of coronavirus as of May 3.